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Media & Press

Biosensors, Bias and Basketball: A student's story

Loyola University of Chicago business students used iMotions to study gender bias in sports viewership. Their research revealed no physiological differences in engagement between men’s and women’s basketball games, suggesting societal factors influence viewership. This hands-on research experience provided valuable insights and unique opportunities for students in the business school.

Publication Date: 10/2024

Source/Publisher: iMotions

The Business Case for Human Behavior Research

When schools add physiological metrics to their teaching and scholarship, they expand industry connections and prepare students for data-driven jobs.

  • Researchers can gain greater insights into consumer preferences by combining traditional research methods with tools that measure subjects’ physical and neurological responses to stimuli.

  • When business schools add behavioral research initiatives, they promote interdisciplinary collaboration, solidify corporate connections, and develop novel research ideas.

  • Companies are looking for business graduates who can make use of massive amounts of physiological data and understand the challenges of using it ethically.

Publication Date: 8/12/2024

Source/Publisher: AACSB

Q&A with Loyola University of Chicago Research Students

We're excited to end this week sharing an insightful Q&A with the talented research students from Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago! Learn how these students are leveraging iMotions tech to delve into the complexities of human behavior at the undergraduate level. Under the guidance of Dinko Bačić, the course "Analytical Decision Making" has provided these students with hands-on experience in biometric research, and we want to hear what they have to say. From exploring new methodologies to discussing the challenges and rewards of their research, this conversation offers a glimpse into the future of behavioral science and the innovative minds driving it forward.

Publication Date: 6/2024

Source/Publisher: iMotions

Advancing Student Success Through Biometric Research at Loyola University Chicago

At Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago, students are pushing the boundaries of business decision-making through innovative #biometric research. Under the guidance of Professor Dinko Bačić (Bacic), juniors and seniors are leveraging our newest iMotions Online platform to conduct groundbreaking studies, resulting in seven IRB-approved research papers in just one semester! From analyzing sports viewership to exploring the impact of subtitles on streaming, these projects showcase the transformative power of biometric data. This experiential learning approach not only equips students with invaluable skills but also positions them as competitive candidates in the data-driven job market. Take a look at our latest case study to see more on how iMotions Online supports student research by providing a versatile platform for data collection and analysis.

Publication Date: 5/2024

Source/Publisher: iMotions

Predicting video virality and viewer engagement: a biometric data and machine learning approach

Predicting video virality just got a whole lot smarter!This groundbreaking study conducted by Dinko Bačić and Curt Gilstrap combines biometric data and machine learning to revolutionize our understanding of what makes videos go #viral.

It's a game-changer for #marketing teams and content creators looking to make their videos stand out. Interested in what incorporating facial expression analysis and GSR reveals in their research?

Publication Date: 9/29/2023

Source/Publisher: iMitions

Exploring Pie Chart Visual Properties and Design Elements: EyeTracking Approach

What is the best way to present your research findings? Using visuals to communicate your results is an efficient way to synthesize your main findings. This paper focuses specifically on pie charts, and how they are approached by readers using eyetracking techniques.

Publication Date: 10/8/2022

Source/Publisher: iMotions

Iz znanstvenog kuta – Biometrijski senzori: nove granice informacijskih sistema i istraživanja ljudskog ponašanja

Biometrija ili metoda istraživanja podsvjesnih signala iz tijela, kako bi se otkrile inače skrivene značajke povezane s osjećajima, pažnjom, spoznajom i fiziološkim uzbuđenjem postaje sve važnija u unapređivanju našeg razumijevanja ljudskog ponašanja. Organizacije se danas suočavaju s uzbudljivim izazovima i mogućnostima integracije biometrijskih sustava i njihovih podataka u sveukupne informacijske sustave i ponudu proizvoda / usluga. Pridružite se predavanju izv. prof. dr. sc. Dinko Bačić (Bacic) (Loyola University Chicago) koji će predstaviti relativno novi svijet biometrijskih uređaja i kako se oni koriste u stvarnom komercijalnom i istraživačkom kontekstu. Primjeri tih uređaja uključuju uređaje kao što su sustav praćenja kretanja očiju, elektrodermalnog odgovora (GSR), EEG i sustavi analiza izraza lica…. Kao i uvijek, predavanje je otvoreno za javnost. Detalji na:

Publication Date: 5/25/2021

Source/Publisher: University of Split

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